Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Yi Jiang Nan

33-35 Staunton Street, Central
2136 0886

Otherwise known as 'One of the best Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong.'

When my cousin was here, we were wandering around Soho, looking for a restaurant on a Saturday night (with no booking of course - that would require planning ahead!).  After being turned away from several restaurants, we finally arrived at Yi Jiang Nan.  We were seated in the empty restaurant.....feeling really uncomfortable and convinced it was going to be crap.

And then the food started coming.  It was seriously one of the best Chinese restaurants I've been to.

And then we realised that there was a constant stream of people coming in and being the other room.  The other room was much nicer and more sequestered from the entrance.  We realised that we had been seated in the non-reservation, latecomers section.

No matter, it was a great dinner and I'd definitely go back.

Rating:  3

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